This page will introduce the primary operations provided by Request Network’s SDK while using the EthereumPrivateKeySignatureProvider to sign requests with a private key that is managed outside of a wallet.
This approach works well for Node.js environments without access to a Web3 wallet.
const { Types, Utils } = require("@requestnetwork/request-client.js");
const payeeIdentity = '0x7eB023BFbAeE228de6DC5B92D0BeEB1eDb1Fd567';
const payerIdentity = '0x519145B771a6e450461af89980e5C17Ff6Fd8A92';
const paymentRecipient = payeeIdentity;
const feeRecipient = '0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000000';
const requestCreateParameters = {
requestInfo: {
// The currency in which the request is denominated
currency: {
type: Types.RequestLogic.CURRENCY.ERC20,
value: '0x370DE27fdb7D1Ff1e1BaA7D11c5820a324Cf623C',
network: 'sepolia',
// The expected amount as a string, in parsed units, respecting `decimals`
// Consider using `parseUnits()` from ethers or viem
expectedAmount: '1000000000000000000',
// The payee identity. Not necessarily the same as the payment recipient.
payee: {
type: Types.Identity.TYPE.ETHEREUM_ADDRESS,
value: payeeIdentity,
// The payer identity. If omitted, any identity can pay the request.
payer: {
type: Types.Identity.TYPE.ETHEREUM_ADDRESS,
value: payerIdentity,
// The request creation timestamp.
timestamp: Utils.getCurrentTimestampInSecond(),
// The paymentNetwork is the method of payment and related details.
paymentNetwork: {
parameters: {
paymentNetworkName: 'sepolia',
paymentAddress: payeeIdentity,
feeAddress: feeRecipient,
feeAmount: '0',
// The contentData can contain anything.
// Consider using rnf_invoice format from @requestnetwork/data-format
contentData: {
reason: '🍕',
dueDate: '2023.06.16',
// The identity that signs the request, either payee or payer identity.
signer: {
type: Types.Identity.TYPE.ETHEREUM_ADDRESS,
value: payeeIdentity,
Then, call createRequest() to create the request and waitForConfirmation() to wait until the request is persisted in IPFS and the CID hash is stored on-chain.
Then, in the case of an ERC-20 request, check that the payer has granted sufficient approval using hasErc20Approval(). If not, submit an approval transaction using approveErc20. Wait for an appropriate number of block confirmations. On Sepolia or Ethereum, 2 block confirmations should suffice. Other chains may require more.
Then, call fromIdentity() to get an array of Request objects or fromRequestId() to get a single Request object. This function retrieves the Requests stored in IPFS and queries on-chain events to determine the balances paid so far. Finally, call getData() on each Request to get the request contents.