Invoice Dashboard

A dashboard for viewing and paying invoices in Request Network

The Invoice Dashboard component allows end-users to view and pay an invoice in Request Network. It is built using Svelte but compiled to a Web Component, making it usable in any web environment, regardless of the framework.


Chains and Currencies


To install the component, use npm:

npm install @requestnetwork/invoice-dashboard


The Invoice Dashboard component is only compatible with Web3 Onboard because it takes a WalletState as a prop. Future iterations will allow for other wallet connectors. For status, see invoicing-template #31

Usage in React and Next.js

Follow the instructions below to add the Invoice Dashboard to a React or Next.js app.

Disable swcMinify in next.config.mjs

To use the Invoice Dashboard in NextJS 14.x, you must set swcMinify: false in your next.config.mjs file. Without it, the Invoice Dashboard won't render.


Configure the invoice dashboard web component by creating a reference to it, setting its properties, and passing the reference as a prop.

To use the Invoice Dashboard in a React application, you must dynamically import @requestnetwork/invoice-dashboard and use the component in your JSX file.


Supporting files

  • initializeRN.ts - Initialize the RequestNetwork object using an Ethers Signer or Viem WalletClient.

  • config.ts - Use the config object to pass additional configuration options to the invoice dashboard component. Please replace the builderId with your own, arbitrarily chosen ID. This is used to track how many invoices are created by your application.

  • context.tsx - Use a context provider to reinitialize the Request Network instance when the wallet changes.

  • types.d.ts - Specify types to avoid TypeScript errors.


Last updated