Smart Contracts Overview

This page is missing the RequestToken, DAIbasedREQBurner, lockForREQBurn, ChainlinkConversionPath, Erc20ConversionProxy, ERC20SwapToConversion, EthConversionProxy, and ERC20TransferableReceivable contracts

Contracts Overview

Request Network smart contracts are available here.

Contracts type

There are three types of contracts

  • Request Storage

  • Payments

  • Conversion

Request Storage

Declares data hashes and collects the fees.

After a request has been sent to IPFS, the hash is declared to the whole request network system through the RequestHashStorage.

Anyone can submit hashes.

Manages the fees for the creation of a request.

This contract is the entry point to retrieve all the hashes of the request network system.


Performs an ERC20 token transfer with a payment reference and a transfer to a second address for the payment of a fee.

Performs an ERC20 token transfer with a payment reference and a transfer to a second address.

This contract performs an Ethereum transfer with a Fee sent to a third address and stores a reference.

This contract performs an Ethereum transfer sent to a third address and stores a reference.

This contract allows users to lock funds in an escrow and perform payments in ERC20. It contains a refund and emergency feature to unlock funds if needed.

This contract makes multiple conversion payments with a payment references, in one transaction.

This contract makes multiple payments with payment references, in one transaction.

This contract makes multiple payments with references, in one transaction, without conversion.

This contract swaps ERC20 tokens before paying a request, thanks to a payment proxy.

Last updated