Streaming Request

Pay a series of requests with a stream of ERC777 Super Tokens from Superfluid.

The first request of a series is very similar to payment-network-erc20-fee-proxy, it defines the salt, paymentAddress and requestId to compute the paymentReference used for the whole series.

Other requests must define a previousRequestId and cannot redefine any of the payment properties (paymentAddress, feeAddress or salt).

Multiple requests can be paid with the same stream, typically recurring requests of fixed amounts paid continuously. A group of requests payable with the same stream are called a request series, they must all have the same currency.

For additional details, see the payment-network-erc777-stream-0.1.0 specification

Create a Streaming Request

Create the first request in a series

  // The paymentNetwork is the method of payment and related details.
  paymentNetwork: {
    id: Types.Extension.PAYMENT_NETWORK_ID.ERC777_STREAM,
    parameters: {
      expectedFlowRate: expectedFlowRate // number, Expected amount of request currency per second
      expectedStartDate: expectedStartDate // timestamp, Expected start of stream	
      paymentAddress: payeeIdentity,

Create subsequent requests in a series

  // The paymentNetwork is the method of payment and related details.
  paymentNetwork: {
    id: Types.Extension.PAYMENT_NETWORK_ID.ERC777_STREAM,
    parameters: {
      originalRequestId: 'abcd', // first reqeust in the series
      previousRequestId: 'abcd', // previous request in the series
      recurrenceNumber: 1, // 1 if previous request is original, 2+ otherwise


See Github for tests showing usage.

Last updated