Data flow

This page presents the flow of data that occurs when some actions are performed in the protocol.

Creating and updating requests

The next schemas show the data flow that happens when a user performs an accept action on a request.

Request Logic




Reading requests

The next schemas show the data flow when the user wants to read the content of a request.

In this case, the user calls this function of Request Logic: getRequestFromId(0xaaa) that reads the request with the request id: 0xaaa


There is a permanent data flow between Data Access and Storage layers.

For performance purposes, Data Access will periodically synchronize with the current state of Storage. When a new, not synchronized block is detected, the block content will be dispatched into the Data Access cache.



Request Logic

Some actions from the Transaction layer can be invalid; this is the role of Request Logic to filter them to give the consistent state of the request to the user.

For example, only the payer of the request can increase the expected amount of it. If the action increaseExpectedAmount is signed by the payee therefore, the action is ignored.

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