In-Memory Requests


In-memory requests allow for creating and managing requests without immediately persisting them to storage. This enables faster payment workflows and deferred persistence.

Key benefits:

  • Faster payment flow: In-memory requests are helpful when payment is the priority, such as in e-commerce cases. In this scenario, the request is a receipt rather than an invoice.

  • Deferred Persistence: With in-memory requests, a request can be created on the front end with a user's signature and passed on to the backend for persistence.

How it works:

The flow of creating and paying an in-memory request is similar to a regular request with the following key differences:

  • Create an in-memory request by passing the argument skipPeristence: true when instantiating the RequestNetwork instance.

  • An in-memory request is not persisted immediately like normal requests. Instead, it is stored in memory on the device where it was created. It can be persisted at a later time using the persistTransaction()function.

  • An in-memory request has the inMemoryInfo property.

  • Avoid calling getData() on an in-memory request because it will fail silently by returning an empty EventEmitter object.

  • Retrieving an in-memory request with requestClient.fromRequestId() will fail because the request has not been persisted yet so it is not possible to read it from the Request Node.


Install necessary dependencies

To create in-memory requests, it is necessary to install the following package:

npm install @requestnetwork/request-client.js

Along with the following package for payments:

npm install @requestnetwork/payment-processor

Create an in-memory request

Create an in-memory request by passing the argument skipPeristence: true when instantiating the RequestNetwork instance.

// Request parameters 
const requestParameters = {...}

const web3SignatureProvider = new Web3SignatureProvider(

 const inMemoryRequestNetwork = new RequestNetwork({
    nodeConnectionConfig: {
      baseURL: "",
    signatureProvider: web3SignatureProvider,

 let inMemoryRequest =
    await inMemoryRequestNetwork.createRequest(requestParameters);

Pay an in-memory request

To pay an in-memory request, pass the inMemoryInfo.requestData property to the payment function.

import {
} from "@requestnetwork/payment-processor";

const paymentTx = await payRequest(
await paymentTx.wait(confirmationBlocks);

Persist in-memory request

In-memory requests need to be persisted using a new RequestNetwork client that does not use the skipPersistence property.

const persistingRequestNetwork = new RequestNetwork({
    nodeConnectionConfig: {
      baseURL: "",

await persistingRequestNetwork.persistRequest(inMemoryRequest);

Last updated

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