Request Scan

An explorer app for viewing requests, payments, and addresses in Request Network.

Request Scan is an explorer for viewing requests and payments in Request Network. It enables users to explore and scrutinize requests, payments, and addresses within the Request Network ecosystem.

Intended Audience

Request Scan caters to a broad audience:

  • Accountants: Audit and verify financial data on the request network.

  • Developers: Easily access Request Network data for troubleshooting your applications.

  • Analysts: Gain deep insights into network activity and trends.

  • Researchers: Conduct in-depth studies on blockchain data.

  • Enthusiasts: Stay informed about the latest happenings on the Request Network.


User Interface

  • Search Bar: Located at the top, allows you to search for specific requests or addresses.

  • Dashboard: Provides an overview of network statistics and recent activity.

  • Requests: View a list of recent requests with details like payee, payer, amount, and timestamp.

  • Payments: View a list of recent payments with details like blockchain transactions, amounts, fees, and timestamps.

  • Address: View information about individual addresses, including their requests and payments.

  • Request: View information about individual requests, including their details and table with actions and payments.

Searching for Data

  • Request: Enter a request ID in the search bar to view its details.

  • Address: Enter an address to see its requests and payment history.

Demo Video

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